Hello There!
How very intriguing that your inquiry has brought you here! As you get to know me, you will learn that it is my great honor and pleasure to be guiding folx in exploring and expressing the deepest essence of who they are - one's EROTIC NATURE...and very life force that IS THEM! And if you are here, I am guessing that perhaps you are also feeling the pull towards the embodiment of this dynamic and powerful life force! - Your Erotic Nature?! You may be a man, you may be a woman (or any other gender!), you may be single, or you may in a partnership! Perhaps this life force has become dormant in you? Perhaps shame or past trauma has blocked your expression? Most of all, you have this sense that there Must. Be. More! Perhaps you have established mastery in many other areas of your life, yet when it comes to your sexuality and erotic nature, there is something holding you back. You desire a safe space to deeply surrender and Just. Let. Go! |
Until we can tune into and to "master" our own erotic energy, we will always be left with that feeling of “something missing”. That is where a Guide can make all the difference! And the Journey to Erotic Mastery is just that…a JOURNEY!
This mastery begins with self, and then translates to how we share and express this with others. Learn about and experience each of the Erotic Blueprints™! Tap into Energetic, Sensual, Sexual and Kinky Energy! Are you ready to embark on this Journey?
This mastery begins with self, and then translates to how we share and express this with others. Learn about and experience each of the Erotic Blueprints™! Tap into Energetic, Sensual, Sexual and Kinky Energy! Are you ready to embark on this Journey?
What are you craving? What does your body long for? Desiring to explore new depths with your partner? Individual Session: 2-3 Hours - $600
Couple's Session: 4 Hours - $800 Inquire About: